SpecialCrs01English for Banking & Finance

Students of Economy and all Banking personnel such as Bank Manager, Auditors, Consultants, Financial Directors and Brokers. The Course helps to develop the use of English Language and terminology in Banking situations on the financial world. The application of the Banking Language covers the phraseology as used in the Bank Services supplied by Financial Institutions. Students are given the opportunity to discuss their proper needs in these particular fields.

English for Medical Study & Practice

The course is designed for Doctors, Senior Medical students and other working in the medical profession. It is intended to help wherever English is the medium of communication. It enables all those attending conferences, reading articles in medical journals, or setting up results of experiments or reports on patients for English speaking colleagues.

English for Doctors & Medical Congresses

The course is designed for Doctors who are already acquainted with the English Language and are able to read reports and medical journals in English but find difficulties to express themselves. This course has been devised for doctors attending a Medical Congress, who need to improve their own ability in understanding, making interventions and communicating.

English for Architects

This course is designed for graduates and students of Architecture wishing to enrich the specific Phraseology of the subject.

English for Computer & Data Processing

The Course is designed for students who are frequenting industrial or commercial courses, computer salesmen, Marketing Officers, Research, Research Department and Computer Programmers.

SpecialCrs02Business English

The Course is deigned for business students and businessmen alike.

English for Lawyers

Deigned for undergraduates studying Law, Barristers, Lawyers, Solicitors, Judges who feel the need to improve their knowledge of the English Language in short period of time. The course helps them to communicate in their day-to-day legal contacts and commitments.

English for University Students & Certificate Courses

Students who wish to follow an English Course for a specific examination in English at various levels. These examinations are considered to be indispensable for the qualifications required in seeking entrance into British or American Universities or Institutions. The course generally lasts three months but it is possible to shorten the duration of the course according to one’s needs. The FCE and CPE examinations are held in June and December. Individual Private Lessons can also be offered to students wishing to prepare themselves for IELTS or TOEFL.

All our teachers are fully qualified and that our study materials are all FREE to use.
All lessons are of 45 minutes each

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