Host Family accommodation is the most economical and beneficial accommodation for any student. It’s the best way to practice English and learn new cultures. Students that stay with a host family learn English faster. Maltese Host Families are very hospitable and friendly. They are always ready to help students out in any situation. Apart from being excellent cooks, they are clean and proud of their homes. Often the bonds that are made between International Students and their homestay families endure many years, and are maintained through letters and email.
Host Family obligations to the student:
*Provide accommodation and meals according to the reservation. In the event that that the student is reserved on full-board the family must provide breakfast, packed lunch and a full evening dinner.
*Meals must be eaten at the same table as the family.
*Packed lunch consists of two fresh bread rolls with adequate filling, one fresh fruit and a small bottle of mineral water.
*A normal load of clothes are to be washed by the family at least once a week.
*Provide clean towels at least twice a week and clean bed linen once per week.
*Provide a key to enable the student to gain access to the accommodation at all times. If a key is not given, then someone must be in the house at all times to ensure that the students have access.
Student’s obligation to the family:
*Respect the homestay family regulations and adapt to the Maltese/English culture and customs.
*Do not to expect the family to cook certain meals from the student’s home country.
*Rooms must be kept tidy at all times.
*Return home by not later then 11 PM, unless otherwise agreed differently with the family or given permission from your parents if you are under 18 years old or as agreed with the tour leader and the family.
*Guests are not permitted in the host family’s home unless agreed beforehand with the family.
*Be present for breakfast or dinner on time.
*Use of kitchen can only be allowed if agreed with the family.
*If the bathroom is in common with the family, you will be allowed to use a part of the closet.
*The bathroom and the kitchen must be kept clean and orderly by both student and family after each use.
*Use of equipment in the house such as washing machine, iron, and ironing board, computer and any other equipment found in the house cannot be used without the permission of the family.
*Students are held responsibility for any damage or loss of objects ormoney in the house or in the room, where the student is accommodated.
*Smoking is not allowed unless otherwise agreed upon with the family.
*Noise is to be keep as low as possible as not to disturb the other students and family members.
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